[Asterisk-Users] Any way to not overwrite sound files on compile?

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Fri Sep 30 09:06:08 MST 2005

Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

> So wrap the install binary such that it checks for the existence first.

Existence of what? The issue is that if we have a new version of a sound 
file, there's no way to know whether the one currently in place is 
'original' or modified.

> Sounds tedious.  Why not simply emit "cowardly refusing to overwrite existing 
> sound file 'chilliconcarneexplosivegastrointestinalnoise.gsm'" with a "use 
> make install-force" to overwrite everything" message?

Again, how would we decide when to generate this message? I think it's 
much easier (and already done <G>) to just let the user provide their 
own override script to put their files into place.

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