[Asterisk-Users] Auto CallBack on busy

Abdul Ghafoor lab at mtilimited.com
Tue Sep 27 22:49:32 MST 2005

Auto Callback on Busy 

Register on Busy 

I have implemented it as 

1- I store Caller and Called party numbers in database when Called part is busy 

2- I retrieve it from database and Caller is called by called party when Called party hangs up 

It is working fine with all kind of SIP phones I have with me 

basic configuration for extensions.conf is given and can be accommodated according to requirements 


;Store Called Number in DB if he is Busy 

exten => _XXXX.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,Ttr) 

exten => _XXXX.,2,Congestion() 

exten => _XXXX.,102,DBPut(CallBack/${EXTEN}=${CALLERIDNUM}) 

exten => _XXXX.,103,Busy() 

;Auto CallBack Caller on hang up of dialed party 

exten => H,1,Goto(h,1) 

exten => h,1,DBget(temp=CallBack/${CALLERIDNUM}) 

exten => h,2,DBdel(CallBack/${CALLERIDNUM}) 

exten => h,3,Dial(SIP/${temp},20,tr) 

exten => h,4,Congestion() 

exten => h,102,NoOp(Not Registered for CallBack) 

exten => h,104,Busy() 


Abdul Ghafoor 

abdul__ghafoor at hotmail.com 

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