[Asterisk-Users] HooDaHek 0.6 Released

Nathan Pralle tarsi at binhost.com
Tue Sep 20 12:03:50 MST 2005

> http://directory.google.com/Top/Reference/Directories/Address_and_Phone_Numbers/
> and lets not forget google itself (residential only aparently)
> phonebook:QUERY  (smith, ca  or 2025551212)

Whitepages/Yellowpages (they use the same scripts, essentially) have 
done some impressive work at preventing scripts from getting information 
from their CGI.  I have yet to work around it.

The problem with these, of course, is that to integrate them into 
something useful you're either screen scraping or playing around with a 
lot of strange scripts.  That's fine -- not like I haven't done that 
before, but for some you could easily violate their Terms of Service for 
doing so and get your IP banned or similar (esp. if your call volume is 

Although, the point might be that for residential * use, the volume 
might be low enough to warrant some lookups.  I'll have to play with it 
a bit.


Nathan E. Pralle
Give the Director a Serpent Deflector

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