[Asterisk-Users] realtime audio for asterisk using jack

Esben Stien b0ef at esben-stien.name
Mon Sep 19 12:44:37 MST 2005

Matt Riddell <matt.riddell at sineapps.com> writes:

> Is it possible that JACK creates an emulated alsa/oss layer for non
> JACK connections?

I can now confirm that jackifying iaxcomm works. The kfusd and
oss2jack now works on linux-2.6.13.


I still have latency problems as described in my other threads on the
iaxclient list. It has gone down to about half (300ms) since last

I will do an exact measurement tonight most probably and report back
(on the iaxclient mailinglist).

So for the search engine:

Running voip applications with jack (jackd) (oss2jack) works with
linux 2.6.13. You can also run kphone and asterisk, though some noise
problems still exist. In the case of asterisk, it's very much in need
to get this to work so that you can plug voip into jack and process
the signal before it is sent and before it reach the speakers.

It would of course be great if a real jack driver were implemented in
asterisk, but few developers have shown interest.

To get help with these issues, please try #lad and the
linux-audio-user mailinglist.

There is also a oss2jack mailinglist being set up.

We finally made it;). 

Esben Stien is b0ef at e     s      a             
         http://www. s     t    n m
          irc://irc.  b  -  i  .   e/%23contact
          [sip|iax]:   e     e 
           jid:b0ef@    n     n

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