[Asterisk-Users] Voicemail

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Sun Sep 18 19:17:13 MST 2005

> While we are on the subject.. how do you modify the TXT message that
> gets send to the 'pager'... Is that hard coded.. or can that be
> changed?    No variables I change in voicemail.conf seem to change the
> from address, etc.

Not sure this answers your question, but in voicemail.conf, I have:
; Skip the "[PBX]:" string from the message title
; Change the From: string
;fromstring=The Asterisk PBX
fromstring=ABC VM
emailbody=For ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID} dur: ${VM_DUR} \n

At least the above reduces the number of characters to something
reasonable for cell phone text msgs.

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