[Asterisk-Users] Distinctive Ring Tones

Howard Lowndes lannet at lannet.com.au
Wed Sep 14 18:16:40 MST 2005

This is an Australian situation.

I have a PSTN connection that has CLID presentation enabled and has two 
numbers assigned to it, the primary number with the standard ring 
cadence: 400,200,400,2000 and the secondary number with the alternative 
cadence: 200,400,200,400,200,1600

CLID presentation is working fine and in zapata.conf I have:
usecallerid = yes
usedistinctiveringdetection = yes

I am trying to set up the dring and dringcontext variables in 
zapata.conf and am trying to identify the returned codes for the two 
ring tones.

Unfortunately, what gets returned in the asterisk console (verbose) is:
     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/4-1'
     -- Detected ring pattern: 0,0,0
for both ring cadences.

I have looked at the code, chan_zap.c, and can see where this gets 
zeroed out, but not being a C programmer I am at a loss to identify what 
is not happening to get the correct numbers for the two situations.

All cluesticks welcomed.

LANNet Computing Associates - Your Linux people <http://lannet.com.au>
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