[Asterisk-Users] "GSM cards" / "mobile phone cards" for Asterisk?

David Cook david at dave-cook.co.uk
Fri Oct 28 09:43:03 MST 2005

> If anyone knows of smaller-scale units that work on GSM900 and 1800, I'd
> also love to hear about them.

You might want to investigate a Nokia 22 (http://europe.nokia.com/nokia/0,8764,56024,00.html). This provides a single GSM line which is interfaced to the PBX by an anlogue trunk/extension. From memory they cost around £100-150. I am going to revisit this as a solution to our ever increasing PSTN-GSM call spend as soon as we have our Asterisk PBX in place.

David Cook

JP Computer Services
Delivering Business Benefit

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