[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Community Participant; Katrina Refugee UPDATE

JR Richardson jr.richardson at cox.net
Thu Oct 20 21:28:06 MST 2005

Hi all,


Thank you all for your replies of hope, and advice for recovering flooded
computer equipment.  I was not able to recover ANY electronic components.
There was 5 foot of water sitting in my home for over a week. The water was
laden with very corrosive contaminants and heavy sludge.  Literally this
water ate the conformal coating off a lot of ckt boards then heavily
corroded and oxidized any metal and solder.  I struggled to recover data
from hard drives but did manage to get a couple to work after cleaning.


Silver Lining:


I lost a few thousand dollars just in Digium hardware alone, so I contacted
Digium and let them know that I was out of commission for a while till I
could get another lab setup.  In my most humble manner I requested card
replacement or discount on a few items just so I could get back up and
running, to my surprise, Digium would not accept any money from me and sent
several cards and components free.  They thanked me for my participation and
expressed compassion for my loss.  Digium is a class act and have helped me
rebuild some of what Katrina knocked down.  I will forever be grateful and
never forget Digium's Support in my time of need.


Thank you; Mark and Malcolm, you guys are the best.


I have already relocated my family to Lafayette, LA and we are living in the
home we intend to buy soon, just need to run some extra power ckts to the
spare room and setup a new lab.  We took in a family that lived across the
street from us in St Bernard and they are living in my future computer lab,
so it will still be a bit before I get up and running but will soon.


JR Richardson

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