[Asterisk-Users] Dial plan questions

Humberto Aicardi news at aicardi.com.br
Sun Oct 16 08:31:57 MST 2005


    When you use the Dial command you must specify the device to use for 
dialing, so you cannot use Dial(2201,20) you must use Dial(SIP/2201,20) 
which informs to use the the SIP device 2201.

Humberto Aicardi
> I'm afraid I'm quite confused by what I've found on the Wiki.
> I have the following dial plan that works:
>   exten => 2201,1,Dial(sip/2201 at gs1.uucp,20,)
>   exten => 2201,2,Voicemail(u2201)
>   exten => 2201,3,Hangup
>   exten => 2201,102,voicemail(b2201)
>   exten => 2201,104,hangup
> When the phone is in use it goes to voice mail as busy. When not
> picked up, as unavailable.
> This one does not work:
>   exten => 2401,1,Dial(2201,20,)
>   exten => 2401,2,Voicemail(u2201)
>   exten => 2401,3,Hangup
>   exten => 2401,102,voicemail(b2201)
>   exten => 2401,103,hangup
> If I dial 2401 I get fast busy, what am I doing wrong?
> mozart*CLI> sip show peers
> Name/username  Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port    
> Status
> 2202/2202   D  5060    OK 
> (17 ms)
> 2201/2201      (Unspecified)    D  0       
> pstn/pstn   D  5061    OK 
> (15 ms)

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