[Asterisk-Users] Delay before dialplan is launched?

Rod Bacon rod.bacon at empoweredcomms.com.au
Wed Oct 5 20:08:01 MST 2005

I have several * servers, and have noticed something most annoying on recent builds.

On an old server, running a CVS 1-0 checkout from 10th May, incoming zaptel 
calls (ISDN PRI) start processing the dialplan immediately, and look something 
like this...

"Accepting call from 'XXXXXXXXXX' to 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' on channel 0/2, span 1"

My other servers are running either the 1.0.9 stable tarballs, or 2.1 beta.

They all include an additional line in the logs after the above line saying...

"-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/X-X' "

On these servers, there seems to be a 2-3 second delay (approximately) between 
the time the call is received and the first dialplan command is executed.

Is everyone else experiencing this?

Rod Bacon
Empowered Communications
Ground Floor, 102 York St. South Melbourne
Victoria, Australia. 3205
Phone: +613 99401600    Fax: +613 99401650
FWD: 512237                   ICQ: 5662270

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