AW: [Asterisk-Users] VoIP connection US --> EU with ADSL a problem ?

Francesco Peeters Francesco at
Sat Nov 19 15:00:15 MST 2005

On Sat, November 19, 2005 22:24, Mateo Meier said:
> Pings are stable + / - 150 MS
> Grüsse / Best Regards
> Mateo Meier

I sometimes have issues as well when using a softphone from outside the
local network to the (*) server.

Last visit to the US (my server is in the Netherlands behind a 2048/1024
ADSL (actually running at 2048/768) connection) I had issues too, until I
started up an IPsec VPN tunnel from my TeleCommuter hardware firewall to
my home firewall. Once the (IAX2) connection ran over the tunnel, I had no
more issues...

I'm sure the IPsec tunnel created an increased latency, but when that is
offset by more reliable packet delivery, the QoS actually increases...

It might be something worth testing?...

Francesco Peeters
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