[Asterisk-Users] Polycom Buddy Feature

Kevin Hanson tuxpert at comcast.net
Mon Nov 14 17:01:16 MST 2005

harry gaillac wrote:

>you mean than when the status of your subscribers
>change they are notified
>busy, away, ...
Yes.  When an extension is in use, the light on the receptionist phone 
next to the speed dial position holding that buddy lights up and the 
buddy icon changes to a "do not enter" sign...I assume that's busy.

I haven't played with setting a subsribed phone's buddy status to "away" 
or something and seeing what the receptionist phone does.

However, it doesn't work consistently.  Sometimes it does, and sometimes 
it doesn't.  There's a thread on the asterisk-dev list titled 
"chan_exosip2" where I am discussing my problems with Olle.

Optimacy Communications, LLC

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