[Asterisk-Users] Errors With Hint

Alvaro Parres aparres at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 16:05:29 MST 2005

Hi list, i have the next problem:

I create 3 hints.. (111 (SIP/111), 112 (SIP/112), and 102 (ZAP/35) )
the SIP/111 is a GrandStream ATA
the SIP/112 is a Polycom 301
the ZAP/35 is a Analogic Phone.

The SIP/112 hints works great. But the other 2 no.

The ZAP/35 is say is always in USE and as you see en the
next console output is not in use. any Idea????

-= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
 111 : SIP/111 State:Idle Watchers 4
102 : ZAP/35 State:InUse Watchers 5
112 : SIP/112 State:InUse Watchers 2
- 3 hints registered
asterisk*CLI> show cha
channel channels channeltypes
asterisk*CLI> show channels
Channel Location State Application(Data)
Zap/34-1 s at incel:1 Up Bridged Call(SIP/112-1f3d)
SIP/112-1f3d 90443338182842 at home: Up Dial(ZAP/34/3338182842|120|Tt)
2 active channels
1 active call

And also the SIP/111 is always in Idle any idea of why ???

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