[Asterisk-Users] How do I show that a message is waiting on a Zap channel?

Matt Riddell matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Tue Nov 8 22:27:36 MST 2005

Michaël Gaudette wrote:
> I have an FXO card, with a typical modern PSTN phone connected to it.  A
> phone that, when connected to my PSTN provider, will show when there is a
> message waiting by flashing a red light.  
> If I connect this phone to Asterisk, with a Zap channel, how do I make this
> phone recognize that there is a voicemail waiting, and flash it`s red led?  

You need to set the mailbox for your FXS channel IIRC to enable stutter dialtone.


Matt Riddell

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