[Asterisk-Users] Time based call direction

Wilson Pickett spamsucks2005 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 11:05:04 MST 2005

> I would like to manipulate phone call direction to voicemail for lunch,
> after hours etc, but am unsure how to do this.  Could someone point me to a
> howto or quickly explain the concept?

I would recommend checking a database value over the time based
GoToIfTime unless you are always go to and return from lunch at
EXACTLY the same time:

put a value like OutToLunch=1 in the asterisk database (see dbput)
write an extension to make this either 1 or 0 (using dbput)
add two lines to incoming calls to forward them to Vmail IF the flag
is set (using dbget and gotoif)

the only problem then becomes remembering to set the falg BACK to 0 so
the phone rings again :)

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