[Asterisk-Users] Newbie here. Tips on setting up 100 phones w anted.

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Fri May 27 13:54:09 MST 2005

> >It will be about 100 phones at about 20 locations all within
> >about 4 miles of each other.
> Perhaps a more pressing question might be how you are going to backhaul
> Ethernet in a 4-mile radius. You can't run a Cat 5 cable more than 100
> metres reliably, and using Ethernet repeaters every hundred metres or so
> isn't practical. You will need a fiber backbone or something like that. What
> is your plan to create an Ethernet network to tie these locations together? 

Or any of lots of different wireless facilities. We work with
multiple isp's that have customers ten miles or more and voip is
no problem for most of them.

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