[Asterisk-Users] RDNIS (DNID) Call Routing

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Tue May 24 07:18:37 MST 2005

On May 20, 2005 09:42 am, Geoff Manning wrote:
> I am trying to prove a concept of call routing before we move towards
> development of a production system. I need to have calls routed coming into
> a call center based on DNIS. What type of syntax is needed in the
> extensions.conf file and how can I test it with a softphone (ie: can I
> emulate the DNIS from xlite)?

As far as I have been able to tell, ${DNID} and ${EXTEN} are the same.  I use 
${RDNIS} with my PRI to have several #s redirected to a single DID and then 
provide the RDNIS information to the far-side Asterisk box, it works just 

As far as testing goes, you might just want to do something like this (may not 

exten => _#NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(RDNIS=${EXTEN:1})
exten => _#NXXNXXXXXX,2,Goto(incoming,SOMEDID,1)

where 'incoming' is the normal context your calls would come in to and SOMEDID 
is the DID they'd normally hit.  #[11 digits] would set the RDNIS and jump to 
the normal incoming context.  I think.  RDNIS may be one of those variables 
that aren't settable from inside the dialplan.


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