[Asterisk-Users] Random Blip

Mike Spradling mikespradlingatl at yahoo.com
Thu May 19 06:02:57 MST 2005

I#8217;musing Asterisk 1.0.7 and making calls from the Eyebeam SIP softphone throughasterisk, an IAX2 connection to voicepulse and out to the PSTN #8211;


Eyebeam-> Asterisk 1.0.7 -> (Sonicwall) -> VoicePulse via IAX2 -> PSTN


Onany call I make after a few minutes on the phone, I get a sort of #8220;blip#8221;noise followed by a click.  The call continues and the other person justhears a click.  In an hour call it probably happens about 4 or 5 times butnot at predictable intervals.


Anyideas where to start to figure this out?  I#8217;ll be happy to pickthrough logs if I know which one.  



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