[Asterisk-Users] Web Client with IAX2 and ilbc

Matt Riddell matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Wed May 18 20:22:54 MST 2005

Anton Krall wrote:
> Guys.
> Maybe this is asking for a lot :) but is there any web client that can use
> IAX2 and ilbc?
> This is for a "call us" web idea.... Any leads?

The problem is that the underlying library comes in different formats. 
I.E. there is a dll for windows, .so for linux and something else for Mac.

While there have been web-based apps made, they kind of rely on the 
underlying operating system.

I.E. There is a Java Applet IAX client (but it uses the dll on the back 
end so is windows only).

There is the ActiveX phone which will require Internet Explorer (and 
probably Windows)

There is the MozPhone which appears to be cross-platform, but requires 

Maybe you could build something where the person selects their 
browser/operating system and that takes you to the appropriate program.


Matt Riddell

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