[Asterisk-Users] Re: zaptel.conf in /etc not /etc/asterisk - historical reason?

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Mon May 16 05:47:41 MST 2005

On 13:24, Mon 16 May 05, David John Walsh wrote:
> Thanks for getting back to me,
> the only reason that I see to move it (and more importantly to move it
> to /etc/asterisk)
> is that I am intending to use DRDB to make the machines as identical
> as possible, and to ensure that the configs of the two machines are
> kept in-sync.
> My mount points for the 3 replicated drives were going to be
> /etc/asterisk
> /var
> and /home (or /users)
> I cant replicate /etc as things need to be different in some of its
> child directories (init.d and sysconf are two) (although I guess I
> could as I'm not intending to replicate /var/spool/ and thats below
> var)
> If zaptel.conf moves to /etc/asterisk, it keeps my replication simpler
> than adding lots of mount points
> nb - DRDB is a replication technology (laymans term I know) (commonly
> used with linux-ha)
> I agree it doesn't belong in /etc/asterisk, but its convient,
> especially since I know of no other "application" that interfaces with
> it :)

Move it to /etc/zaptel/zaptel.conf and make a symlink to it
in /etc. That way you can sync /etc/zaptel and also be sure
no application fails because of the missing file.
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
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