[Asterisk-Users] slight echo on incoming call

Gary Carr gc_list at carolina.net
Thu May 12 10:45:30 MST 2005

Running CVS-HEAD-04/12/05-16:39:24 on CentOS 4.0 final installation. I am
hearing a brief echo on our Cisco 7960 phones when a incoming call is
answered. After a few seconds of conversation the echo disappears. There is
no echo on outbound calls or transferred calls. After a search of the
mailing list, wikki, and google I have tried the following to no avail.

echocanel=yes as well as 16, 32, 128, and 256
echotraining=yes as well as 800

I have also modified the rxgain= and txgain= settings.

Short of recompiling the zaptel with agreessive echotraining can anyone
suggest some other things I may be missing?



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