[Asterisk-Users] Attended Transfer using wrong Context

Matthew Boehm mboehm at cytelcom.com
Fri May 6 07:09:20 MST 2005

David Phelan wrote:
> Can you post the context for  cytel-outgoing...
>> From what it sounds like......asterisk is picking the # as a blind
>> transfer 
> then 9 which means you are trying to transfer to an outside number an
> ddepending on your dial plan, that may not work.
> I do realise that you are trying to use attended transfer so maybe
> change the attended transfer sequence
> so that it doesn't use 9.
> Dave

That is wierd. I changed it from #9 to #6 and now I can dial properly.

Shouldn't asterisk ignore the 9 as it is part of the # sequence?


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