[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk locking up - 99.9% CPU

Paul Mahler psvwm at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 23 18:13:35 MST 2005

Are you at run level 3? X can cause this if you are at run level 5.


Paul Mahler
pmahler at signate.com


We are running Asterisk CVS 22/12/04 and pwlib/oh323 pandora version to work
with our call agent.

Unfortunately **VERY** frequently, asterisk stops responding and goes to 99.9%
CPU.  There is no debug output or other information that indicates there is a

Rather than continually restarting, can anyone make suggestions as to how we
can track this down **OR** has anyone got the latest oh323/pwlb to work with
CVS Head ?

I see there is documentaiton on http://www.inaccessnetworks.com for the latest
HEAD working with oh323 and pwlib...

Any pointers would be appreciated

Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

Paul Mahler

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