[Asterisk-Users] Some IAX questions

Tim Pushor timp at crossthread.com
Sat Mar 19 21:47:49 MST 2005


Is this a silly question? I am trying to come up with an elegant way of 
joining a few small * servers in a peer to peer arrangement, and I am 
just curious as to what algorithm * uses to determine which channel (and 
therefore context) an inbound call belongs to (IAX and SIP)..

Also, knowing when name resolution happens would be beneficial if the 
peer * boxes had dynamic IP's and dynamic dns ...


Tim Pushor wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to figure out how Asterisk determines which [user] an 
> incoming IAX connection is for?
> Is it based on their source address? (I think possible)
> Is it based on their credentials (unlikely, I think, since we can set 
> insecure=very)
> Also, for a [peer] section - when is the host= resolved? Is name 
> resolution attempted every time the channel is opened?
> Thanks!
> Tim
> (Oh and sorry for the oracle crack yesterday - I couldn't resist ;-)

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