[Asterisk-Users] OT: Best DB

Jason Stewart jstewart at rtl.org
Wed Mar 16 06:37:33 MST 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 13:00 -0500, Giudice, Salvatore wrote:
> MySQL: Speed, Power and Precision
> _________________________________

Speed, yes. Anyone can write an SQL layer over a flat file and make it
fast. If you want real speed (faster than MySQL with the same level of
reliability choose SQLite.

Power - I agree here too. There are lots of great tools for MySQL due to
it's ubiquity.

Precision - No Way! see-

> MySQL is free. It can be installed in less than 59 minutes from source
> for light use by a first time user AND there is no need for extravagant
> tuning. 
> and if you are particularly keen on undertaking
> elaborate tuning projects to squeeze every last drop of life from a
> database, you can even write your own database engine for MySQL. 

So a beginner user can install MySQL in less than an hour from source
with no need for tuning, but if they feel the need to tune their
database other than what's out of the box a newbie can write their own
database engine? I'd much rather mess with a few config options that
write a database engine.

For the record PgSQL can be installed in the same amount of time as
MySQL. For the extreme noob who knows nothing about databases and is
still learning then tuning will not be a factor. For anyone else the
first thing that they'll do is look at the manual for the tuning
section. It's not rocket science.

> If you are so keen on paying for something, try buying support - MySQL
> AB. With PostgreSQL, you could get support from a mom and pop shop...
> However, either way you will save tons of money over Oracle.

You could also get enterprise level support through Pervasive, a company
much larger and older than MySQL AB.


> For benchmark information comparing MySQl with several DB's on various
> OS's (yes Oracle and PostgreSQL are included) see the following link:
> http://ftp.iranscience.net/pub/databases/mysql/information/benchmarks.ht
> ml

Hmm... More benchmarks, eh? I've see benchmarks swing both ways with
MySQL being faster and others with PGSQL being faster. In my experience
Postgres has handled our multi-gigabyte database much more smoothly than
MySQL. Larger, complex queries seem to return much more quickly with

My mantra is "pick the right tool for the job". For smaller webapps I
use MySQL. For huge enterprise databases I use PostgreSQL.

Jason Stewart              | Tel: 616-532-2300
Systems Administrator/     | Fax: 616-532-3461
Programmer                 | Email: jstewart at rtl.org
Right to Life of Michigan  | Web: http://www.rtl.org

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