[Asterisk-Users] possible bug in chan_capi concerning context handling

Dimitris Kounalakis dcoun at medsite.info
Sun Mar 13 03:21:42 MST 2005

I am trying to configure asterisk 1.0.7pre to get incoming calls from an 
ISDN line using an AVM fritz PCI 2.0 with Chan_capi 0.3.5. My problem is 
that the context is not recognised in the /etc/asterisk/capi.conf
I have in /etc/asterisk/capi.conf 's section "[interfaces]"  the 
following directive

and the following directive in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf in the 
context [isdn]
exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${DNID:4},60,tr)

Here follows the debug info I get when an incoming call starts:
    -- creating pipe for PLCI=0x101 msn = 2810111694
       > sent ALERT_REQ PLCI = 0x101
  == Starting CAPI[contr1/2810111694]/3 at ,2810111694,1 failed so 
falling back to exten 's'
  == Starting CAPI[contr1/2810111694]/3 at ,s,1 still failed so falling 
back to context 'default'
Mar 13 11:52:41 WARNING[10744]: pbx.c:1893 ast_pbx_run: Channel 
'CAPI[contr1/2810111694]/3' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 
'default', but no invalid handler
    -- CAPI Hangingup
When I move the "exten => s,1,Dial(${DNID:4},60,tr)"  in the context 
"[default]"  of the /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf, I get the following 
debug info and the sip phone rings ok:
    -- creating pipe for PLCI=0x101 msn = 2810111694
       > sent ALERT_REQ PLCI = 0x101
  == Starting CAPI[contr1/2810111694]/4 at ,2810111694,1 failed so 
falling back to exten 's'
  == Starting CAPI[contr1/2810111694]/4 at ,s,1 still failed so falling 
back to context 'default'
    -- Executing Dial("CAPI[contr1/2810111694]/4", "SIP/111694|60|tr") 
in new stack
    -- Called 111694

Is this a bug?  It does not handle the context, so, it can not find what 
to do, it works only with the default context.

Thank you in advance,

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