[Asterisk-Users] PAP2-NA point to poitn calls ??...(Direct IP Dialing)

Luki lugosoft at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 10:52:19 MST 2005

Didn't try it, but quick Google search for sipura "IP dialing" gives:

3:   How do I call by IP address? 
A: This example illustrate calling via IP address from Line1 to Line2,
but can be generalized from one SPA to another SPA
- Go to line 1, assign UserID to be 1001. Go to line 2, assign UserID
to be 1002
- Set "Enable IP dialing" to yes 
- Set "Make Call w/o Reg" and "Ans Call w/o Reg" to yes 
- Assuming you're calling from line 1 to line 2, you'd press  "
1002*IP_ADDRESS*5061# "
Similarly, if calling another SPA on it's line1, press "
uid_remote*ip_addr_remote*5060# "


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