[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 7960

Joe Greco jgreco at ns.sol.net
Sun Mar 6 15:48:21 MST 2005

> Hi,
> Whilst I agree with Joe, has anybody actually been able to sucessfuly get the
> Cisco 7940's/7960's to register into *?
> We have just about tried everything that was suggested to us without luck.

Um, well, really, that's never been a problem here.  I've had more problems
trying to get them to register directly with VoIP providers than I care to
think about, though.

You need to make sure you've dotted your i's and crossed your t's with
these phones, but then they work really well.

from the SIP<mac>.cnf:

line2_name:      "2002"
line2_authname:  "2002"
line2_password:  "khafusulhff"
line2_shortname: "DisplayedLineName"
proxy2_address:  "some.ip.addr.ess"


type=friend             ; This device takes and makes calls
secret=khafusulhff      ; Password for device
host=dynamic            ; This host is not on the same IP addr every time
username=2002           ; Username programmed into Cisco phone
context=from-7960       ; Inbound calls from this phone go to this context
nat=no                  ; nat=yes if this phone is behind a NAT box or firewall
;callgroup=2            ; the group to which this phone belongs for *8 phone rin
ging pickup
;pickupgroup=2          ; the pickup group allowed from this phone when *8 is di
mailbox=2902            ; Activate the MW light if this VMB has messages in it

Obviously not a complete configuration.  Note in particular that you 
probably need certain items out of SIPDefaults.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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