[Asterisk-Users] Survey: what's the best HTTPd/TFTPd/FTPd to serve up configuration files to sets

Kristian Kielhofner kris at krisk.org
Sat Mar 5 23:05:03 MST 2005

Jim Van Meggelen wrote:
> I would like to start a discussion centred around the various ways one
> might serve up configuration files from an Asterisk server (I know, it's
> better to use a secondary server for all this, but let's talk about a
> smaller system).
> The types of things being served would include:
> - Logo image for sets that support that
> - XML directory files
> - XML or raw text configuration files
> - what-all-else
> Seems to me that Apache is simply way too overpowered for all this, and
> thus would needlessly place load on the server.
> I have heard that khttpd is pretty lightweight, but its use seems to
> have been deprecated, and it does not appear to be actively maintained.
> Is TuX the way to go?
> As for tftpd and ftpd, I'm just not sure. Leightweight is the key, here.
> Thoughts, opinions, experiences?
> Thanks,
> Jim.
> --
> Jim Van Meggelen
> jim at vanmeggelen.ca


	My vote for small:

	HTTP: mini_httpd (or thttpd)
	FTP: vsftpd
	TFTP: tftp-hpa (hands down, no questions asked the best TFTP server. 
Anyone who has ever used PXE can back me up on this one.)


	HTTP: Apache (duh!)
	FTP: proftpd
	TFTP: tftp-hpa

	My $0.02.

Kristian Kielhofner

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