[Asterisk-Users] Computer to use

Robert Goodyear me at jrob.net
Thu Jun 30 18:57:12 MST 2005

On Jun 30, 2005, at 3:30 PM, Dovid B. Asterisk Users wrote:

> Hi,
> Already posted once but I need more feedback. What kind of servers is 
> everyone using for asterisk and what problems have you ran in to ? 
> Thanks.
> Dovid_______________________________________________

I'm sure you really only want to know about the absence of problems. 
 From watching this list for 6 months it seems the SuperMicro products 
are most lauded and have exhibited no hardware conflicts. Various votes 
on Dell products, so you're probably best to stay away, even though 
I've got five installs with TE110Ps in them that have never missed a 
beat -- Dimension boxes, not PowerEdge.

Robert Goodyear
Brand Up LLC

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