[Asterisk-Users] Should I choose DSL @ 1.5 or a full T1?

David Coulson david at davidcoulson.net
Mon Jun 13 18:24:27 MST 2005

Leon Sun wrote:

> Not really true about T1 description. When you apply for T1, you need tell
> vendor if it's channelized or non-ch. If you are going to use it for 1.5M
> network, you need use unchannelized T1. 

T1 is T1. How you use the DS0s delivered across it is up to you. You can
mux them out to POTS lines, use them all for data or mix it up and run
voice and data over the same T1. Telco vendors don't care what you do
with it, unless it's terminating for data/voice in their equipment.

Even when you use all 24 channels for data, they still function as 24
distinct DS0 channels as far as timing is concerned. Unlike OC-nc
circuits (Where you save some overhead for the sake of being unable to
channelize the STS channels) , there is no overhead variation when
channelizing a DS-1 versus using a full DS-1 for data.


David J. Coulson
email: david at davidcoulson.net
web: http://www.davidcoulson.net/
phone: (216) 920-3100 / (216) 258-4942

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