[Asterisk-Users] SIP-H.323 dial tone and busy tone problem.

Carlos Alberto Lara de Hoyos clara at unfime.uadec.mx
Sat Jun 11 15:05:01 MST 2005

Greetings to the list:

this is my problen when I make a call from my asterisk  towards a nortel 
PBX , the call is made but in my telephone sip I do not listen the dial tone 
or the busy tone but the call it is completed normally.


thi is may configuration:

   RedHat 8 2.4.18-14
   Asterisk 1.0.7
   The NuFone Network's Open H.323 Channel Driver
   G.729/PCM16 Codec Translator
   Raw G729 data

It is a problem of codecs compatiblility or wath?
Thanks to all.


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