[Asterisk-Users] Re: Lingo(.com) and Asterisk

M O martinoshield at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 10:56:10 MST 2005


I am in contact with them now. 

But in order for you to get Lingo's service,
you MUST, per them, use THEIR ATA adaptor with 
your internet service. 

I asked, " Must I use YOUR ata device...", and she
cut me off, as if she had been asked this 10000000
times, " No, our Lingo service is locked to the
ATA device. "  

Rather then order the Lingo device, and reverse
engineer it... I just decided to contact the parent
company of Lingo, and have gotten info directly 
from them to date.  

They dont do " Credit " unless you can provide them
with "audited financials."  If you are without those,
then expect a prepayment in cash.

When the big boss told me that, I almost laughed my 
butt off as it would seem carriers get burned too! LOL

Martin O'Shield

>Message: 26
>Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 16:02:57 +0200
>From: "Bas Rijniersce" <bas at brijn.nu>
>Subject: Lingo.com and Asterisk
>To: <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
>Message-ID: <001b01c56cfb$f4e64550$de00a8c0 at adminbas>
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed;


>A long Google search didn't turn any clear answer.
>Does somebody use Asterisk in combination with Lingo?

>Thank you,

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