[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Live! CF

Kristian Kielhofner kris at krisk.org
Mon Jun 6 12:35:48 MST 2005

abel wrote:
> My theory is that the 64 MB image is built with a specific hdd form factor and 
> when burning onto a different size CF it is mapped differently and it does not 
> work. 
> On the other hand, you always can find out how the device is beeing seen by the 
> system and customize the binary image accordingly.
> Other software prepared to be run from CF (I recall WISP, the LEAF branch for 
> wireless routers) have a final step which takes the software already compiled 
> and 'packages' it to build the disk image.
> I would be extremely happy if I could download the code tree and run that final 
> step by myself to get the disk image that suits my needs.
> Second best would be to get the source tree and compile all the stuff to get 
> that point.
> Is that possible? Is the code available in the way I need for this operation? 
> TIA.


	This is simply untrue.  My distro's (AstLinux) 32mb CF images work on 


Kristian Kielhofner

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