[Asterisk-Users] RE: Business Edition

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Mon Jul 25 02:45:54 MST 2005

Kevin Walsh wrote:
> Brian West [brian.west at mac.com] wrote:
>>Or better yet.. modify the disclaimer like I and a few others did to
>>say that the only thing you will disclaim are things you post on the
>>bug tracker!  NO UPDATES, NO CHANGES, NO NOTHING!  If its not posted
>>under your user on mantis IT IS NOT DISCLAIMED!
> That would seem to be a reasonable suggestion.

That's what I did.  I modified the disclaimer to only apply to stuff I 
post to bugs.digium.com under a specific userid.

I did this to keep stuff I post to the mailing lists or on the web from 
being accidently disclaimed.

Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-210-3699 x2120

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