[Asterisk-Users] Epia C3 Linux

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Wed Jul 6 10:13:33 MST 2005

On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:39:15PM -0400, Michael Stahl wrote:
>  Take a look at the via arena web site.  Your processor may look like a
> 586 to the installer but may not support all of the instructions
> (causing a crash).  The via arena site gives instructions on how to
> compile and get it installed on your processor!  (I have the C3 Nehemiah
> processor so I didn't need to recompile)

You'd expect it to blow up with "Illegal instruction" then and not with a

If you fear this may be a 386 issue, get the Debian Sarge netinst. It
has only i386 kernel. Or try current Rapid, which will also give you an
Asterisk installation.

But my suspect here is the memory: have you tried memtest? a number of
of installers and live-cds now come with it as a boot option.

Also note that most installers have a shell available on an alternative
terminal (usually console no. 2). It used to be very limited, but the
one on current debian (sarge) installer is actually quite usable and
even has tab completion for path names (thanks busybox).

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jbr.cohens.org.il | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                           | a Mutt's  
tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                           |  best
ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend

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