[Asterisk-Users] Re: Remote SIP Connections

Blake Krone blakekrone at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 18:10:48 MST 2005

I have gotten them to be able to connect but I am unable to hear the
other person and they can't hear me either.

What else am I missing?

On 7/5/05, Blake Krone <blakekrone at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all, I have my * server setup behind a Linksys WRT54G on
> Adelphia cable. I have forwarded 5060,10000-10020, and another port
> set can't remember off the top of my head but I can't seem to connect
> to the * server from any locations that are direct connects to the
> Internet. Am I missing a portset for forwarding?
> If I use the name service (voip.*****.com) from my home connection on
> the same LAN as the * server it will connect fine.
> Any ideas?
> TIA!
> -blake

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