[Asterisk-Users] Extensions will not go to voicemail

Chris Mason (Lists) lists at masonc.com
Mon Jul 4 06:07:00 MST 2005

I have a remote installation that connects via IAX from my office pbx. 
When I call an extension on the remote pbx, after the dial period, the 
call is terminated. Nothing I do in configuration of that extension 
seems to matter:

    -- Executing NoOp("IAX2/netconcepts at nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:4569-5", ""Dial 
710"") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("IAX2/netconcepts at nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:4569-5", 
"SIP/710|30|tr") in new stack
    -- Called 710
    -- SIP/710-4841 is ringing
  == Spawn extension (office, 710, 2) exited non-zero on 
'IAX2/netconcepts at nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:4569-5'
    -- Hungup 'IAX2/netconcepts at nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:4569-5'

and the dialplan for that context is


exten => 710,1,NoOp("Dial 710")
exten => 710,2,Dial(SIP/710,30,tr)
exten => 710,3,Voicemail(u710)
exten => 710,103,Voicemail(b710)

Any ideas why I am not getting to the voicemail for that extension?

Chris Mason
(264) 497-5670 Fax: (264) 497-8463
Int:  (305) 704-7249 Fax: (815)301-9759 
Cell: 264-235-5670
Yahoo IM: netconcepts_anguilla at yahoo.com 

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