[Asterisk-Users] Linux Distribution for Asterisk server use

Subhi S Hashwa lists at subhi.com
Sun Jul 3 08:33:29 MST 2005

Quoting TWV <voip at teleweb.be>:

> My question is about which Linux distribution to choose for Asterisk. (/me
> holds breath)  OK, hopefully you're still reading, because whatever you were
> thinking now, you're thinking wrong! ;)

Your email is an excellent example on a well researched question a perfect
example on how questions should be asked on a public forum. Thank you.

Back to your question.

In a commercial environment where you're providing a (I assume managed) service
for users you want to make sure your tools will be up to the job and you won't
be let back by your supplier(s).

In this kind of environment on a business level you want support if you're
a backup in case things go fubar, the only distros that can provide that are
(Novell) and RedHat, regardless what many people say about redhat, it's still
(the base) the most popular distro according to netcraft (fedora, centOS etc).
The advantage of taken a well used and popular OS is that a) someone else will
probable have faced a problem you'll encouter later on and posted a solution
that you can find on google. and b) You have commercial support from the
writers of the software with (Almost) quick and direct access to a big portion
of the core coders.

If your clients are price sensitive then I'd suggest debian it's free but it
does have a weird way of doing things and documentations have room for
improvement but again, it's good value for money.

Once you're more comfortable with Linux you can start looking around for the one
that fits, personally I use FreeBSD but it does have some limitations when it
comes to asterisk.

To summarise:

For commercial support, help on the other side of the phone Redhat and SuSE.
For free, Debian.

Good luck.


PS. My post is not intended to start OS holywar, if it did, oh well. too bad :)

Subhi S Hashwa
// When everything's heading your way, you're in the wrong lane.

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