[Asterisk-Users] Cisco ATA186 and Asterisk dialplan

Adi Linden adil at adis.on.ca
Sat Jan 22 09:56:29 MST 2005

> I have a Cisco ATA186 connected to an Asterisk Server (SIP)
> The dialplan uses 1XX for local extensions and XXXXXXX for
> external numbers, where the first digit is always different than 1.
> In this moment, when I dial 123 for example, ATA waits till
> timeout before dialing that number. The same for the longer one.
> How can I do to make it dial imediately when 3 digits starting with
> 1 are received?

You need to modify the DialPlan parameter. It is well described in the
config file:

# ============================ Dial Plan Parameters ===========================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Parameter:  DialPlan
# Access Code:  926
#        Type:  Alphanumeric string  (199 characters maximum)
# Description:  Dial plan rules.
#        Note:  No syntax check is performed by the actual implementation.
#               It is the responsibility of the provisioner to make sure that
#               the dial_plan is syntatically valid.
#               Programmable strings of dial plan that allow one to specify:
#               o special rule -- I{timeout} to control default inter-digit
#                   timeout - specifying this rule also has the side effect
#                 of preventing non-matching dial string from being sent out.
#               o optional send character to use (e.g. '#' or '*')
#               o how many digits before auto send
#               o send after timeout at any specified number of digits
#                 (time out can be changed as digits are entered).
#                 in the following:
#                 o . means match any digits
#                 o - means more digits can be entered, this (if needed) must
#                     appear at the end of the individual rule
#                     (i.e. e.g. 1408t5- is legal, but  1408t5-3...
#                      is illegal).
#                 o [] Range, means match any digit in the list. '_' indicate
#                      a range of digits. For example, [135] matches the
#                      digits 1, 3, and 5, [1_5] matches the digits 1, 2, 3,
#                      4 and 5. No # or * is allowed in the range. Range
#                      doesn't work with repeat, and range can't include
#                      selection. (feature available after v3.0)
#                 o (nnn|nnn) Selection, means match any strings in the list.
#                      The string can be composed by any digit, #, *, ., -
#                      and range. Selection is not used with any prefix or
#                      suffix patterns. (feature available after v3.0)
#                 o ># means terminating key to send is #, and termination
#                      can be applied only after matching hits ># (So >*
#                      means terminating char is *, i.e. terminating key
#                      must follow >)
#                 o rules applied in the order of listed (whichever matched
#                   completely first will cause trigger the send).
#                 o tn means timeout is n seconds (note: n is 0-9 and
#                   a-z -- which ranges 0 to 26).
#                 o more than one rules are separated by |.
#                 o ^ Logical not, means match any character except the character
#                   immediately following the ^ command. ^ can be used as a negation
#                   before range and selection too.
#                 o rn means repeat last pattern (except range) n times (note:
#                   1. ># or tn are modifier, they are not pattern; 2. n is 0-9
#                   and a-z -- which ranges 0 to 26). Use the repeat modifier
#                   to specify more rules in less space.
#               You can also use the modifier 'S' to sieze the rule matching
#               (i.e. if a rule matches and the modifier 'S' is seen, all other
#               rules after that matching rule will not be used for matching).
#               Here is the summary of the dial plan rules:
#               o In: set the default inter-digit time out.
#               o Hnxxx: specify the hotline/warmline number. (since v2.14)
#               o Pnxxx: specify the prefix. (since v2.14)
#               o Bxxxx: specify the base number. (since v2.16)
#               o Rxxx(nnn|nnn): specify the prefix. (since v3.0)
#               o Cxxxx: specify the call blocking numbers. (since v3.0)
#               o Fxxxx: specify the call forwarding blocking numbers. (since
#                        v3.0)
#               o Xxxxx: specify the call blocking/call forwarding blocking
#                        numbers. (since v3.0)
#               o Dxxxx: displaying Caller ID. (since v3.0)
#               More details are available in the eng114487.doc.
#  Examples 1:  The set of dial plan rules:
#                    ".t7>#......t4-|911|1t7>#..........t1-|0t4>#.t7-"
#               or equivalently
#                    ".t7>#r6t4-|911|1t7>#.r9t1-|0t4>#.t7-"
#               consists of the following rules:
#               .t7>#......t2- -- at least one digit need to be
#                     entered, after that, time out is 7 seconds
#                     before send, and terminating char # can also
#                     be applied after the first digit is entered,
#                     and after 7 digits are entered, time out
#                     change to 2 seconds. * means further digits
#                     can be entered as long as not terminated by
#                     timeout or #.
#               911 -- send out immediately
#               1t7>#..........t1- -- at least one digit need to be
#                     entered, after that, time out is 7 seconds
#                     before send, and terminating char # can also
#                     be applied after the first digit is entered,
#                     and after 10 digits are entered, time out
#                     change to 1 second. * means further digits can be
#                     entered as long as not terminated by timeout
#                     or #.
#              0t4>#.t7- -- after entering 0, if no other digit is
#                    entered, it will timeout and send in 4 seconds,
#                    otherwise, time out change to 7 seconds after
#                    another key is entered. again # is terminating
#                    digit.
#  Examples 2:  The set of dial plan rules:
#                    "911|1>#.r9t3.t5-|0t411t9-"
#               if 911 entered, it will be sent out immediately.
#               if 14088713344 is entred, after 3 seconds, it will
#               be sent out but if another digit is entered (say
#               140887133445, the timeout chaned to 5 seconds).
#               if 0 is entered, after 4 seconds, it will be send out.
#               if 011 is entered, the time out changed to 9 seconds.


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