[Asterisk-Users] simple over view of the process

lonnie at outstep.com lonnie at outstep.com
Mon Jan 17 09:13:21 MST 2005

Hello All,

Please forgive the lack of understanding as of yet but I have been trying
to follow the mailing list messages over the last few days and would like
to know if someone could wither point me into the right direction or
possibly give me a brief overview of the complete process.

Basically, I see that the Asterisk PBX systems can run on linux and seems
to offer the engine base that is needed for the SIP clients to connect.

Additionally, it seems that the various hardware (of which I have no idea)
if installed into the server will allow the SIP clients to communicate
with analog lines.

What inexpensive hardware is need to set up a basic system?


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