[Asterisk-Users] ASTCC configuration problem

Kanuri, Seshu (Company IT) Seshu.Kanuri at morganstanley.com
Tue Jan 11 15:21:00 MST 2005

I am still stuck on this.

Allright, let us do it the easy way. Just copy and run the script below
on your 
Mysql Command line. Lets see how this goes.

If you want to use webmin to find what the problem is go to webmin ->
servers ->Mysql and check the configuration there. My guess is that
there may be some problem with your Mysql Socket which may have been
configured for running at /tmp/mysql.sock rather than what ASTCC expects
at /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

If the problem is with the Mysql Socket, them you have to use webmin to
redefine the mysql sock file  location as /tmp/mysql.sock (first of all
find if this is the case). If this is looking for a Mysql Socket at
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock and infact your socket is /tmp/mysql.sock ,
then you have to add a symbolic link using the command below:

ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock

Seshu Kanuri
##Create table manually ##

use astcc;

CREATE TABLE `brands` (

`name` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`language` char(10) default NULL,

`publishednum` char(40) default NULL,

`did` char(40) default NULL,

`markup` int(11) default NULL,

`inc` int(11) default NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (`name`)


CREATE TABLE `cards` (

`number` char(20) NOT NULL default '',

`language` char(10) default NULL,

`facevalue` int(11) default NULL,

`used` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`inc` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`markup` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`creation` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,

`firstuse` timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00000000000000',

`expiration` timestamp(14) NOT NULL default '00000000000000',

`inuse` int(11) default NULL,

`pin` char(20) NOT NULL default '123456789',

PRIMARY KEY (`number`)



`cardnum` char(40) default NULL,

`callerid` char(80) default NULL,

`callednum` char(80) default NULL,

`trunk` char(40) default NULL,

`disposition` char(20) default NULL,

`billseconds` int(11) default NULL,

`billcost` int(11) default NULL

CREATE TABLE `iaxfriends` (

`name` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`secret` char(40) default NULL,

`context` char(40) default NULL,

`ipaddr` char(20) default NULL,

`port` int(6) default NULL,

`regseconds` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`name`)


CREATE TABLE `routes` (

`pattern` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`comment` char(80) default NULL,

`trunks` char(80) default NULL,

`connectcost` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`includedseconds` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`cost` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`pattern`)


CREATE TABLE `sipfriends` (

`name` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`username` char(40) default NULL,

`secret` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`context` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`ipaddr` char(20) NOT NULL default '',

`port` int(6) NOT NULL default '0',

`regseconds` int(11) default NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (`name`)


CREATE TABLE `trunks` (

`name` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

`tech` char(10) default NULL,

`path` char(40) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (`name`)

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