[Asterisk-Users] .call MeetMe

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Thu Jan 6 06:59:17 MST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 14:39 +0100, sjaak imap wrote:
> Arghh sure
> Something like
> Channel: ZAP/g1/xx/ZAP/g1/xxx/ZAP/g1/xxxx etc ........

BAD idea, the fist person to answer will terminate the other calls here.
It is just like ringing multiple internal extensions until someone

> MaxRetries: 2
> RetryTime: 60
> WaitTime: 30
> Context: monitor
> Extension: 601 <-- first meetme room
> Priority: 1
> ZAP/g1 is an ISDN30
> But how do I know this 601 room is free
> I've rooms 601 602 and 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on
> I like to pick up the first room who's empty.

Well you need to decide on a room first. You could use one of the
modules out and around to query the manager port and see if there is a
free room. Problem is if you try and do it from the dialplan, as soon as
your first called person enters the room, the others would get scrolled
to another room. Then you get your multiple parties all in individual
meetme rooms all alone.

Although, on further thinking about it. You might be able to make the
context/extension part include a "code" that identifies the called
parties as all being part of a meetme group. The first person to answer
would trigger a lookup for the meetme room matching the code given and
if it isn't in the DB, it finds an empty room and then puts the room
number in the DB and then joins the room. Then any other calls coming in
would see the DB entry and just join. The dialplan will be more complex
but it reduces the heavy lifting in the external app that creates
the .call files.  

Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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