[Asterisk-Users] how can setup mysql in sip.conf?

Thomas Hoellriegel admin at blindi.net
Mon Jan 3 15:06:07 MST 2005

Hi, i have a problem:
asterisk 1.0.3 is my current version.
 i copy from asterisk-sources:
 in my /usr/asterisk/etc/asterisk directory. I edit this script and remove 
-T -option 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
 i create the  mysql database:
 mysqladmin create sip
 i pasted the example-table in the database:
    CREATE TABLE sip (
    id INT(11) DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
    keyword VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    data VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    flags INT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id,keyword)
i settingup res_odbc.conf  as follows:
dsn => sip
username => root
password =>
pre-connect => yes

 i add the following line in the sip.conf file:
 #include = "retrieve_sip_conf_from_mysql.pl"
Asterisk is started with: -vvvvc
the  asterisk output is:
   == Parsing '/usr/asterisk/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found
   == Parsing '/usr/asterisk/etc/asterisk/= 
 retrieve_sip_conf_from_mysql.pl': Not
  found (No such file or directory)
why can't find asterisk the perl-script? 

 mysql authentification  is not working in asterisk.
 what can i do please? 
mysql and the template-database are success installed.
thankx for your help.

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