[Asterisk-Users] X-IMail-SPAM-Connection DNS Sudo ANI vs True ANI

Andreas Sikkema andreas.sikkema at ritstele.com
Tue Feb 22 01:31:58 MST 2005

asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com wrote:

>   I'm having problems with international calling via Global
> Crossing. I'm told I need to send a true ani versus a sudo ani.
> What is the difference and how can I configure asterisk to do this.
> Global Crossing is denying calls with sudo anis.

I'm wondering if they didn't mean a "pseudo" ani? 

Are you sending internal Asterisk ANI or the ANI 
Gobal Crossing is expecting?

Andreas Sikkema                Rits tele.com
Van Vollenhovenstraat 3    3016 BE Rotterdam
t: +31 (0)10 2245544    f: +31 (0)10 2245540

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