[Asterisk-Users] Digium TDM 400P and Dell 1750

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Thu Feb 17 12:20:25 MST 2005

> Has anyone figured out how to power a Digium TDM 400P card in a Dell 1750 server?   I opened 
the server and noticed that there is no access
> to 4 pin power to power the card.   Is there some sort of adapter that I need to power the 
Digium card in a Dell Server?   I see that the 1750 is
> listed on the Wiki.   How have others powered the TDM400P in a Dell 1750?

I traced that power connector on the TDM card, and only the 12 volt 
lead is used for fxs modules only. If you don't have any fxs modules,
the connector is not required.

If you do have fxs modules, find another lead that supplies regulated
12 volts and tap into it. (Shouldn't be hard as the MB connector has
the 12 volt going to it somewhere.) Only that single conductor is needed; 
ground is handled through the pci edge connector.

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