[Asterisk-Users] Reccomendation for reliable handsets

Robert Webb asterisk at ropeguru.com
Thu Feb 17 06:31:13 MST 2005

  Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy at karlsbakk.net> wrote:
>> I wouldn't recommend the grandstreams, I had very bad 
>>experience using
>> the grandstream 102, It kep locking up on me. The 
>>buttons are very bad
>> buttons. The sound quality is just as bad.
> grandstream barbie^H^H^H^H^Hudgettone phones really 
>sucks. they're cheap, and that's it
> roy

That is very strange. I have one I just received a 
Grandstream BT-100 last Friday and hooked it up on 
Saturday. Flashed the firmware up to, I think, I 
know the .22 is correct, and it has been working 
flawlessly since. No lock ups and great sound quality.

The only issue I had was with caller-id and that was my 
FUBAR as I overlooked removing the setting in sip.conf 
that manually set it to not be the incoming.


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