[Asterisk-Users] Re: Speech Recognition

Adam Holt adamholt at mac.com
Sat Feb 12 15:04:43 MST 2005

Spinvox have a distinct advantage over most telephony applications in that
their speech recognition does not have to occur in realtime - it simply
records the speech and then processes it afterwards.

I strongly suspect since the company always acts very tight-lipped about
their technology that it relies heavily on human operators.  Think about it
if the average translation of voicemail to text message was to take 2 mins,
that would cost them about 20p per message if they use minimum wage UK
workers.  Make that under 3p per message in the more likely scenario that
they are using a call-centre in India.

Since they charge you 25p per message this is a feasible business model, and
one that hasn't got to rely on any bleeding edge technologies.

Adam Holt
Bayham Systems Ltd
Web:    http://www.bayhamsystems.com/   Email: adam.holt at bayhamsystems.co.uk
Address:  No. 1 Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4RG, United Kingdom

>I dont know jack about speech recognition, however since this topic came
>up anyonw know how spinvox do speech ercognition, in fact its so good it
>converst the speech to text and sends the voicemail as a SMS, I think a
>awesome addone to the sms module in asterisk.

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