[Asterisk-Users] Re: polycom soundpoint ip 300

Noah Miller noah at rosecompanies.com
Thu Feb 10 07:11:30 MST 2005

>I'm able to register sip friends with asterisk
>but i wish to use presence and instant messaging.
>asterisk sent back  "Proxy Authentication required
>407" when SUBSCRIBE is sent to asterisk.
I don't think you'll have much success.  I don't think asterisk can do 
that.  As far as I know, asterisk does not do instant messaging.  You 
can check on the feature list and with the developers, but I'm pretty 
sure that's not possible.  See the wiki here:


> --- Noah Miller <noah at rosecompanies.com> a écrit : 
>>Hi Harry -
>>>Can you get SUBSCRIBE registration ??
>>I don't know what SUBSCRIBE registration is, but
>>looking at your 
>>sip.conf, there's a couple of things I would change:
>>; Take this out - it's only needed when you want
>>certain types of sip 
>>proxies are trying to
>>; register to this peer - not normally needed for
>>; I'd use inband here.  I've tried rfc2833 here,
>>too, but it doesn't 
>>seem to work as well as inband
>>; You don't really need this, and I think it doesn't
>>make sense if 
>>you're doing rfc2833 dtmfmode
>>On the Polycom side, you should use the following
>>Address: 100
>>Auth User ID: 100
>>Auth Password: 100
>>Other than the SIP server address, these are the
>>only important numbers 
>>on the Polycom.
>>- Noah
>>> --- Noah Miller <noah at rosecompanies.com> a
>>écrit :
>>>>Hi Harry -
>>>>>I try to set up two lines per ip 300 phone,
>>>>>registration is ok but i get Failure to
>>>>>407 for subscribe.
>>>>What version of the SIP firmware are you using?
>>>>I've had success with
>>>>1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.4, and 1.4.1.
>>>>My sip.conf entries for my Polycom phones look
>>>>mailbox=12 at from-sip
>>>>Are you configuring directly on the phone, or
>>>>an FTP or TFTP
>>>>>Anybody could help me to configure Asterisk in
>>>>>to set instant message and presence ?
>>>>To the best of my knowledge the Presence feature
>>>>the Polycom phones
>>>>does not work with Asterisk.  I believe it only
>>>>works with other IM
>>>>Hope this helps!
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