[Asterisk-Users] Looking for FXS device - CISCO ATA 186

Steve Blair blairs at isc.upenn.edu
Tue Feb 8 11:49:31 MST 2005


  The ATA will do SIP although I cannot say if this ATA will do
SIP out-of-the-box.


Mike Wright wrote:

>I was looking for something to connect a couple of POTS handsets to my
>asterisk server and found this on ebay
>The documentation says that it does SIP - therefore will it work in an
>asterisk environment.

ISC Network Engineering
The University of Pennsylvania
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 221A
Philadelphia, PA 19104  

voice: 215-573-8396 


fax: 215-898-9348    

sip:blairs at upenn.edu

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